Piloting a helicopter Warsaw — feel like a helicopter pilot!
A helicopter flight is an emotional charge, inspiration and a sea of positive emotions. And what can we say about piloting a helicopter?
It is difficult to compare with anything those feelings when you are steering a helicopter in the sky and it obeys you, gains altitude or descends, accelerates or just hovers in the air. For some, this is work, and for others it seems unattainable.
But no, we want to meet everyone halfway and give them the opportunity to pilot a helicopter!
Let’s take everything in order. You arrive at the site where the helicopter will be waiting for you. You will get acquainted with the helicopter, the instrument panel, the means of radio communication, learn what an artificial horizon, altimeter and so on are. The pilot will tell you about the controls, the principles of flight and piloting.
Together with the pilot, you will conduct a pre-flight inspection, prepare the helicopter for takeoff, check the route and course restrictions. Once you are sure that everything is ready, you can now start the engine and take off.
You will fly towards Warsaw. Fly over bridges and a stadium, see skyscrapers, the old town and all the interesting things that you will encounter along the way from above.
But the most important thing is yet to come. That long-awaited moment when you will be able to pilot the helicopter yourself! The pilot will give you the control stick and the helicopter will come under your control. You will have a few minutes when you will be able to feel to the point of goosebumps that it is you who is leading the helicopter forward.
Spend a whole hour with a helicopter, when else will you have such an opportunity?! Don’t waste time, come fly a helicopter today, right now!
Piloting a helicopter is a flight that you will remember forever.
Flight information:
Helicopter — Robinson 44, 1 pilot + 3 passengers
Takeoff — heliport Konstancin
Flight — total time up to 60 minutes
Briefing – up to 20 minutes (English / Polish)
Flight time – up to 40 minutes (starting and stopping the engine is included in the flight time)
Route – panorama of Konstancin, Świderskie Islands, Mazowiecki Landscape Park, National Stadium, Zegrzyński Reservoir area (Zielonka, Marki), central part of the city, Southern Bridge
Price Robinson 44 — 3100 zł PLN / 730 € EUR

Helicopter flight Warsaw «Basic»

Photo shoot with a helicopter in Warsaw