Оперативная и качественная информационная поддержка.
Комфортный чартерный полёт.

Alina Starysh
The helicopter has become an indispensable regional means of transport with enormous advantages. Speed of preparation and planning of the flight, flexibility in terms of take-off and landing sites, flight speed and virtually no obstacles or barriers. You can take off from an airfield, from an airport, from any site, even from home and head in the right direction.
During the daytime, at any time of the year, a helicopter is the best transport. At night, we fly sightseeing flights, as well as charter flights. But for night charter flights, a helicopter is not always suitable. For such purposes, in conditions of possible restrictions, over many years of flights, we use an alternative to our helicopters for intercity or international flights in Europe, for this a business jet has become indispensable.
A jet is a light, medium or heavy long-range aircraft designed for family, private, corporate or business flights around the world. We are ready to fly, for example, from Warsaw to any European airport capable of accepting an aircraft. The plane flies longer distances day and night.
A personal helicopter allows you not to adjust to another schedule. You can always use it when needed.
Helicopter maintenance is not cheap, but you can always significantly reduce the load by sharing the helicopter with partners in business or fractional ownership, as well as with professional helicopter management. In the event that you do not need a helicopter every day or there is flexibility.
Invest in your own helicopter, organize helicopter rides, fly flights with your family, plan regular business visits and flights within the city, region or country of your aircraft’s base.
Business aviation is your path to success.
Thanks to all our subscribers, clients and just friends. We continue to fly for you!
Basic up to 20 minutes
Helicopter – Robinson 44
Seats: 1 pilot + 3 passengers
Start: Warsaw
Route: Heliport – Warsaw – Heliport
Time: from sunrise to sunset
Premium up to 25 minutes
Helicopter – Robinson 44
Seats: 1 pilot + 3 passengers
Start: Warsaw
Route: Heliport – Warsaw – Heliport
Time: from sunrise to sunset
Premium max. up to 25 minutes
Helicopter – Robinson 66
Seats: 1 pilot + 3 passengers
Start: Warsaw
Route: Heliport – Warsaw – Heliport
Time: from sunrise to sunset
NIGHT up to 25 minutes
Helicopter – Robinson 44
Seats: 1 pilot + 3 passengers
Start: Warsaw
Route: Heliport – Warsaw – Heliport
Time: from 20:00 till 23:00
PILOTING helicopter
Helicopter – Robinson 44
Seats: 1 pilot + 3 passengers
Start: Warsaw
Route: Heliport – Warsaw – Heliport
Control handle
Photoset from 60 minutes
Helicopter — Robinson 44/66, Eurocopter 120
Location: Warsaw/Heliport
Options: without/with takeoff
Ideas: portfolio, photo shoot, interview, stream, clip, product advertising, project.
Yes, we fly at night. Night flights are one of the most romantic and atmospheric.
Yes, we fly in winter and summer, autumn and spring.
There are no age restrictions as such.
The only thing to pay attention to is the period of pregnancy. You should consult with your supervising physician about restrictions for flights, vibration during the flight, etc.
The number of passengers on board is strictly regulated by the number of seats, seat belts and sets of headsets for communication during the flight.
It is always warm and comfortable in a helicopter. The flight can be compared to a car ride in winter.
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We are grateful to everyone for your feedback and appreciate every star you give us. Thank you very much for your kind words and recommendations. We are waiting for new flights. Thanks to everyone.
Оперативная и качественная информационная поддержка.
Комфортный чартерный полёт.
Alina Starysh
Получился идеальный подарок на день рождения. Красивейший Киев, интересный полёт и приятный пилот. Однозначно советую.
Эмоции зашкаливают! 💣💥💥💥
Спасибо большое за организацию полёта и пилоту за полёт☺️
Всё по высшему разряду: организация, безопасность, красота, адреналин😍😍😍
Olga Andreyevna
Эмоции и впечатления – превзошли все ожидания 🤩 Организация на 5+, все быстро , четко , понятно! Есть с чем сравнить (писала и в другие компании, где ответ не могли дать больше недели, смогут ли организовать полёт , или нет 👎). Полёт был над Киевом и до Межигорья , так что рекомендую посмотреть с высоты птичьего полёта на резиденцию экс президента, и киевское море, аж дух захватывает!
Деткина Нонна